Here at Hireguide, we’ve built a database of the best interview questions to help you hire your best candidates. Claiming we have the best questions might seem like a bold statement, but as you learn abouthow we built this database, you’ll see we have the evidence to back it up.

To build a library of world-class interview questions, we applied the most important method in selection science: job analysis. Job analysis is the cornerstone of all human resource functions. It refers to a systematic process for collecting and analyzing information about jobs. The goal is to understand what gets done in any given job and the necessary characteristics people need to complete those job tasks successfully. For hiring, job analysis is an essential tool that helps identify a match between a job’s requirements and the candidate’s characteristics.
Here at Hireguide, we took an approach to job analysis that reflects the ever-changing nature of jobs in today’s world. Doing so allowed us to build an enriched bank of highly job-related questions with answer tips to give you the best chance of identifying a match between your job and your candidates. So, how did we do it?
How we created the interview questions you need
- We researched jobs. We scoured job information resources such as O*Net, national occupational classification systems, and existing job postings to narrow down a list of key tasks and performance outcomes for the most popular professional services roles.
- We distilled performance outcomes into a list of common (soft) and specialized (hard) skills. Based on information sources and the identified performance outcomes for each role, we developed a list of ~20 key skills for each role. These skills reflect the necessary characteristics a person must have to perform the job well.
- We designed multiple questions for each skill using question best practices. For each job-specific skill, we developed three job-specific interview questions. Questions were either behavioral or situational as these question styles are the best for learning about a candidate’s skill set.
- We developed ‘explore tips’ to exemplify high-quality responses to questions. For each question, we wrote between three and five answer tips to help you identify whether your candidates are proficient in the skill related to the question. We call these ‘explore tips.’ They also allow you to explore candidates’ responses in greater detail in a standardized way.
And we didn’t stop there. Once we developed skill lists and questions, we wanted to make sure that they were closely related to the role in question and that the questions and explore tips accurately measure the skills we say they are measuring – a process known as validation.

Interview questions based on skills, vetted by experts
- We asked for feedback from multiple subject matter experts. For every job, we consulted professionals as subject matter experts who had worked in the position for at least 2 years. We asked them to rate how important each job-specific skill was for their role. We also asked them to review every question and explore tip to assess the extent to which they were job-relevant and accurate for the skill in question.
- We analyzed and applied their feedback to revise and enhance the interview question content. We determined appropriate response thresholds as we analyzed the data. If a question or a skill didn’t meet the threshold, it was removed or rewritten using expert feedback.

The result: a native Hireguide taxonomy of job skills and job questions with answer tips that were developed through a rigorous and evidence-based process, helping you find your job-candidate match accurately, fairly, and efficiently.
If you're ready to save hours on interview preparation, start using Hireguide for free today.