Olivia Chow, the Mayor of Toronto Speaks on the Impact of Hireguide at the 2024 Collision Conference

Speaker:  Olivia Chow

I met Hireguide in Los Angeles, and when I discovered his company I thought, wow we need you.

“When I discovered his company I thought, wow we need you.”

You know, it's human nature, we like to hire someone like us and that's normally what we do.  But then we end up having companies or businesses or governments that only represent one type of person that resembles the leader.

But we know for us to be successful in all aspects - whether it's business or office or sports - it's the diversity of skills that matters.  It's creativity. Sometimes people may have different ideas and that lets you grow. If everyone thinks the same way, it can get boring, and you don't innovate. Right?

“We can lose billions in productivity because we don't interview properly.”

But how do we break through that [in interviewing]?  The City of Toronto and Canada is a global beacon of hope for so many people all over the world. So we have the luxury - we have the good fortune to have people moving to Toronto.  But often you would hear, I don't have the first “Canadian experience”. If you don't have the first “Canadian experience”, you won't get a job in your field.  If you don't get the first job, you will never have “Canadian experience”. Right? It becomes a vicious cycle.  It becomes that people that have the skills to offer get missed. It's a loss for the entrepreneur or the skilled labor or the company and it’s a loss for the city. We lose billions in productivity because we don't interview properly.

“So how do we do an interview based on the skills we need, not those hidden biases… Ah ha, this is what Hireguide can do using AI!”

So how do we do an interview based on the skills we need, not those hidden biases - because we all have biases, let's admit it, right.  And how do we get bias out of our way so that it doesn't become a barrier.  Ah ha!  This is what Hireguide can do using AI.

I fully don’t understand how you do it, but apparently it works! That is why Bell and all these companies are using Hireguide to find the right skilled people in their company, in their businesses.

Please join me in welcoming Hireguide to Toronto!

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