Hiring Guide
Marketing Specialist
Specific duties of a Marketing Specialist can vary from business to business — along with factors like company culture, work environment, and team dynamics — it’s vital to tailor any job description and interview content to your company’s needs and expectations.

Hiring Guide: Marketing Specialist
Marketing Specialist interview templates
Featuring content from professionals at companies like:

Why you should hire a Marketing Specialist
Marketing Specialists help companies achieve success by managing campaigns and initiatives that promote a company's brand and offerings. They work collaboratively with others on the Marketing and Sales teams to deliver on strategies that will ensure growth and long-term success.
In this hiring guide, we'll provide everything you need to hire a great Marketing Specialist.
Top skills for Marketing Specialists
Administrative Capabilities
Cross-Functional Collaboration
Developing Impactful Content
Data-informed Marketing
Sample Marketing Specialist job description
A Marketing Specialist promotes an organization’s brand, products and services through developing and implementing marketing programs. They conduct market research and analyze trends to inform the organization’s marketing strategy. Marketing specialists are responsible for activities across the marketing funnel including sales marketing, influencer marketing, SEO, social media, email marketing, corporate communications among others. Additionally, they may specialize in one area of marketing within a larger team. Performing this role requires highly effective organizational skills, strong attention to detail and communication skills as well as campaign management abilities.
Sample interview questions for Marketing Specialists
Question 1
Tell me about a memorable marketing campaign you were heavily involved in. How did you contribute to the campaign and what was the outcome?

Alycia Damp, PhD IRHR
What does this question reveal?
Candidate has the ability to contribute unique value to a marketing campaign
Answer tips
- Clearly describes their responsibilities and contributions
- Knows the campaign management process (i.e. design, execute, track and review)
- Explains the unique value they added to the campaign process and outcome
- Shows they can use campaign management software (HubSpot, Mailchimp, etc.)
Question 2
Imagine you are creating a marketing plan for our company. We would like you to identify market patterns and emerging trends. What research would you conduct, and how would you use this in your recommendations?

Haya Bakour, MSc I/O Psychology
What does this question reveal?
Candidate has the ability to apply insights and opportunities from market research
Answer tips
- Discusses accurately identifying relevant industries and target customers
- Discusses using thorough market research for target customers and competition
- Discusses incorporating the research into the recommendations
- Demonstrates creative and critical/analytical thinking
- Considers industry/company outlook and current company position and targets